You should read this notice when you give us information so you are aware of how and why we are using this. Please update us if any information supplied by you changes.
We are required by data protection law to give you this notice. We must be open with you about why information is collected about you and then what is done with it. We must act fairly in relation to this information. You have various legal rights relating to this information which are spelt out in more detail in this notice.
In order that we can collect or use information about you there must be a legal basis or gateway for doing so. This notice identifies the relevant gateway for the various types of information we collect and hold about you.
Under data protection legislation we can only process data "as necessary" and only to the extent that it is needed. For example, we can use your bank details regarding payments and other limited purposes only. However, in certain instances, as necessary, we can share any of your data, e.g. with our own professional advisers. We may also share any of your data, as necessary, with the police/law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities.
Delaney's collect information relevant to the services being sought by yourself. Information is collected from:
The information required will be collected directly via Delaney's standard forms, via email, via text messages, through telephone conversations, and over the internet.
You may also agree to third parties disclosing information about you to us that those third parties have collected.
Generally, we will collect, use and hold your information for the following purposes:
*We have to comply with certain regulations. The information collected will only be used by Delaney's in relation to complying with the Regulations and will not be shared with any other party unless we are required to do so under law. If you decide to enter into a contract with Delaney's to comply with certain regulations, we will require two separate Identification documents one primary and one secondary document. The information may be required at various stages of the process depending whether you are purchasing or selling. Types of documents required are listed above.
We reserve the right to employ third party electronic verification for the purpose of verifying identity.
Delaney's process your information for the following purposes:
Contractual Performance: where you enter into a contract with us and we need to process your information as part of this contract
Legitimate interests: some information is processed by us as part of its legitimate interests which include: fraud, risk assessment, due diligence, network and information security, manage opting out of communications , direct marketing, monitoring, cloud storage, acquisitions, updating customer details, lettings, sales, financial services and other core products and services provided
Legal Obligations: some information is processed for compliance with our legal obligations, which include but is not limited to the laws in relation to Estate Agency.
Consent: where we process information under consent we will seek you clear and unambiguous consent prior to processing your data.
We do not sell or otherwise disclose personal information we collect about you, except as described in this Privacy Notice.
We share your information with various persons, organisations and public authorities as necessary. This involves us either transferring your information to others or collecting it from them, depending upon the circumstances. It can be a two-way traffic between ourselves and others. In some instances, we may collect information about you from someone else following a request by us to them to provide this information.
Where we collect information from others (third parties) we have to tell you the source of this information, whether or not it is publically accessible, the nature of the source (i.e. whether it is publically or privately held) and the types of organisation from whom the information is obtained.
Where information is received from a private person/body or a public authority, this information will not normally be publicly accessible, however in some instances it will be. Information which will be publically accessible will be information such as Council Tax bandings and information available in public registers, e.g. registers of births and other available public registers.
We will keep your information for a reasonable length of time, and for long as necessary, in order to perform the purpose the data was collected for. We keep personal data for a maximum period of 7 years after last contact and a minimum period of 12 months from the last contact we had with you in cases where no transaction or business activity has taken place.
We keep information both electronically and in a manual filing system to maintain our records. We do this because we need to use it from time to time. Normally the legal gateway permitting us to do so which will apply will be the same as applies when we use the data. Additionally, however, there are legal obligations to retain data under data protection law, taxation legislation and housing law. We also need to do so to fulfil our contract with you. In our own legitimate interests, we also need to retain information to deal with enquiries or disputes and for audit purposes.
We will securely retain all paper files containing your data in cabinets and offices which will be locked when unattended.
Electronic data is securely held and protected by anti-virus software and firewalls. Our servers are subjected to regular penetration tests to check that they are securely protecting your data. Data held on laptops is password protected and subject to anti-virus software and firewalls.
We do everything reasonably possible to ensure that your data is protected.
We delete/destroy data once it is no longer needed. This is a requirement of data protection law. This notice tells you the period for which we normally store data.
Where we hold personal data about you, you are the data subject. Data protection legislation gives you a number of rights. To exercise any of these rights you should contact us. You can do so by email at the address given below or you can telephone us on the number given below. You can also write to us at our address given at the bottom of this notice. Normally no fee is payable.
In particular you have a right to object to the processing of your information where we are processing this in our own legitimate interests or those of someone else. This applies if you feel that this impacts on your own interests or your fundamental rights or freedoms.
These rights are as follows -
Where your consent provides us with the legal gateway to process data about you you can withdraw this at any time by telling us by email or post using the email address or postal address given below.
We operate our own internal complaints policy and if you have any concerns about the way in which we collect or handle data please contact us.
Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority who is -
Information Commissioner
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane